• What are the advantages of VISTA education system?

VISTA classes use a communication way of teaching and education. Whatever knowledge the students acquire throughout the class, they can use and practise it immediately by communicating. The manner English grammar is taught is very simple as the students are not overloaded with grammar. The morphology is explained by way of simple examples and furthermore, it is fixed in combination with new vocabulary right in the class. We make good use of model situations, dialogues, communication exercises and games. The teacher speaks English exclusively. Such a method is painless as the student learns to speak a foreign language in an indirect way – unconsciously.

Whenever you study with VISTA (in its Slovak branches or by Skype), you always do so in the same, licenced VISTA manner, advanced classes included.

  • What type of books do you use?

VISTA education materials have all been elaborated by specialists and they all encourage a student to communicate. The language is about communication! Moreover, we use high-quality expert literature. The student does not need to buy any other books as all the materials are handed over right in the class. All the books and materials are free of charge.

In case you are interested in a book of your own choice/preference, we would be glad to adjust the classes and methods accordingly.

  • Is it possible to get a discount

Of course, we would be glad if you could get one. ISIC, ITIC or EURO 26 card holders are entitled to a 10 % discount right in enrolment. We can also offer you an 8 % discount when enrolling for a higher level of study. If you hold the ISIC, ITIC or EURO 26 cards, you are entitled to another 15 % discount. In addition hereto, we can provide you with a total discount of up to 10 % from the price of the class for any other student who is about to start studying here based upon a client´s recommendation. The discount is calculated per each and every new client being recommended.

The clients being registered in the Labour Office are automatically provided with a 30 % discount. When repeating a level, you are entitled to further 50 % discount. Do you have birthday? If that is the case, you can get a 15 % discount on your birthday.

  • Can I have a language certificate when completing the class?

Yes, you can. Every single level is completed with a written and oral examination along with obtaining the VISTA certificate. Once all the language levels have been completed, it is possible to obtain a diploma on completion of general study of English or any other foreign language. Our certificates and diplomas are recognised in personal interviews or they can provide excellent feedback for Employers or schools.

  • Is it possible to pass an international language examination in VISTA and thus obtain the certificate, e.g. FCE, CAE, TOEFL or ILEC?

VISTA offers language classes and therefore, we do not focus on the above mentioned type of internationally-recognised certificates. Based upon your need, we would be glad to create a specialised course preparing you for international certificates of any duration or intensity. So far we have been highly successful in preparing the students for such a type of examinations.

In case you are specially interested in an international certificate, VISTA is an ETS accredited school providing TOEIC and TOEFL examinations and certificates.

  • Who are VISTA teachers?

The selection process of our teachers is very strict..

  • Do native speakers teach in VISTA?

Yes, they do. We have native speakers who fulfil strict criteria to become members of our staff. They mostly specialise in company, one-to-one or specialised classes.

  • In case I am not able to attend a class because of illness or a business trip, am I allowed to obtain an extra class as substitute?

If the teacher is informed about student´s absence in advance, it is possible to arrange an two extra classes with a discount during the course duration.

  • In case I am a beginner and the teacher speaks a foreign language in the class, will I understand him/her?

Of course you will. In beginner levels (1, 2), the teacher translates every sentence or instruction from English into Slovak language.

  • Do the teachers alternate?

No, they don´t. From the psychological point of view, the most effective way when teaching semi-intensive communication courses is loyalty of one teacher throughout the whole language duration. The student avoids possible stress from „the unknown“ and at the same time the expert teacher takes care of him/her. Such a specialist does not only know what was taught and explained earlier, but s/he is aware of the student´s strengths and weaknesses or possible challenges they are trying to face in a systematic manner. After completion of one level and taking up a higher level, we suggest changing a teacher as the student can have a chance to experience a new accent or a different way of communication.

  • What type of class can I attend when completing the last 9th level

As one of the few, we offer specialised English classes, where the clients will be able to improve their vocabulary, practise fluent speaking and eloquency or eventually get in touch with further interesting information (Social Life Course, Grammar Drill, Business English, Legal English, Life and Institutions of English Speaking Countries, Special Sales Course etc.)

  • What are the payment conditions?

The payment is divided into two parts, the deposit payable at registration and the second part hereof payable when beginning a class. Should a client not be able to pay the sum as a whole, we are willing to provide him/her with installments (no interests included). In case of kids classes, which run throughout a year, the first installment is payable in September while the second one in January of the upcoming calendar year. In case of company or one-to-one classes, payments are made on a monthly basis.

  • What happens if I am not able to complete a class?

If the client is not able to complete a pre-paid class due to serious medical conditions or any other specific incapability, it is possible to complete the class within six months from receipt of payment or relocate the remaining funds to another person.

Do you want to improve your language skills?

Test your language skills for free! Fill out the online test and we will find the best course for you.

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VISTA benefits

15+ years quality and experience
We teach in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
10 branches
40 000+ graduates
Licensed school
Study abroad

They said about us

Tento kurz mi veľmi pomohol, pretože konečne mi niekto poriadne vysvetlil základy anglickej gramatiky a hlavne naučil som sa ju konečne používať. Hodnotím tento kurz veľmi pozitívne, dobre som sa naučil nové slovíčka, čo by nebolo možné bez výborného lektora, ktorý stále dobre poradil, vysvetlil. Spôsob výučby mi veľmi vyhovoval.

Pavol , študent, 3. úroveň

Spoločnosť VISTA, s.r.o. zabezpečuje v komunikačných kurzov výuku v anglickom jazyku pre zamestnancov našej spoločnosti. Spolupráca začala v školskom roku 2009/2010, kedy spoločnosť VISTA zabezpečovala pre 42 zamestnancov nemocnice výuku v kurzoch anglického jazyka. Na základe záujmu našich zamestnancov sme spoločnosť oslovili na spoluprácu aj v školskom roku 2012/2013 kedy sa výuky zúčastnilo 33 našich zamestnancov a v školskom roku kolskom roku 2013/2014 sa vzdelávania v kurzoch anglického jazyka zúčastnilo 24 osôb.

Naši zamestnanci sú so systémom výučby a prístupom lektorov veľmi spokojní a zároveň oceňujú možnosť výuky v priestoroch zamestnávateľa, ihneď po ukončení pracovnej doby.

p. Judita , súkromná nemocnica, vedúca odboru ľudské zdroje, Košice

Jednoznačne môžem povedať, že počas celého kurzu ani raz nepozrel na hodinky. To bolo na tom úžasné. Veľa sme speakovali! Ďakujem Viste, že som sa opäť o niečo zlepšil a nemusel som si ani kupovať ďalšiu zbytočnú knihu!

Peter , študent, 6. úroveň

Týmto potvrdzujem, že jazykovú školu VISTA si vybrala naša mediálna firma ako jazykovú školu, ktorá má za úlohu naučiť, doučiť a skvalitniť jazykovú vybavenosť našich pracovníkov. Zároveň som rada, že môžem skonštatovať, že sa tešíme profesionálnej a kvalitatívne veľmi vysokej lektorskej úrovni, s ktorou nám svoje služby jazyková škola VISTA poskytuje.

p. Miriam , médiá, členka predstavenstva, Bratislava

Páči sa mi štýl, akým sme sa učili, komunikácia, hry, zábava, príjemná atmosféra a super lektorka.

Mirka , študent, 3. úroveň

VISTA jazyková škola poskytuje jazykové služby - jazykovú výučbu, preklady, tlmočenie našej spoločnosti od 27.3.2013. Vysoko oceňujeme výborné lektorské zázemie, profesionalitu prekladov, organizáciu a flexibilitu, vrátane jednoduchej spätnej administratívy. Vyjadrujeme vysokú mieru spokojnosti s celkovým zabezpečením. Tiež oceňujeme profesionalitu služieb a metódu výučby, ktorá je podľa dostupných informácií oceňovaná študentmi. Vzhľadom na vyššie uvedené odporúčam VISTA jazykovú školu ako poskytovateľa skytovateľa jazykových služieb a vzdelávania aj ďalším firmám.

p. Alena , priemyselný park Poprad-Matejovce, HR manažér